

Today is my birthday. Thus far it has gone pretty well. In my American Studies we walked to General Grant's house (because my school is right across the street from Grant's Farm in St. Louis). I could tell my history teacher (who, by the way, went to highschool with Jeff Tweedy... that's right) was bursting at the seams with Civil War information that he had to reign back for the sake of the tour guide. Then a few of us stood talking about how future civilizations will perceive us and if we really know anything about the ones in the past. We did this as others from my class dressed up and ran around like children. ah...highschool

Today I am seventeen. Nothing exciting. Although I can now rent R rated movies from the library without any questions. Thus far, I have checked out The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (Wes Anderson) and A Serious Man (Coen Brothers). And what a wonderful trailer. I hope the movie is as good as this, because I can't get over the end note.
the end

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