
musical gentlemen

 Josh T Pearson's Last of the Country Gentlemen
Possibly the best album I've listened to all year. Maggie stubbled upon the vinyl a few weeks ago. I recommend listening, but while sitting down and while doing nothing else. This is simply a listening experience, not for background music in the car.  Although, it is beautiful in the car as well, especially at night. But your first time should be just you and the record. It's all raw emotion. It makes me want to cry every time I hear it.
I can't explain it very well, but bears eat beats did a fantastic job. I recommend reading this.

Maggie and I also just saw Ryan Adams in concert in St. Louis yesterday night.
Ryan Adams. I saw Ryan Adams in person.
And he put his hair in a pony tail half way through. It was about the cutest and worst pony tail I've ever seen. He was quite funny in fact. At one point he mentioned music that was perfect for going to the bathroom in Lord of the Rings.
The opening act (Jason Isbell) was also rather amazing. It was also his birthday, which Ryan made a point to bring up a few times. In the end Ryan had him come back on stage so that everyone could sing happy birthday and so they could play a song together.
It was quite possibly to best concert I've ever been to. and I'm fairly certain I failed both my tests today.

oh well