
first yarn production

I have just recently received my belated birthday gift in the form of a Kromski spinning wheel. Even more recently I received the nitty noddy to accommodate it (this is necessary for finishing the yarn). And thus, within two days, I've finished two skeins of yarn, spun from jacob wool. As I will be leaving for a road trip to Colorado tomorrow, I think I will spend my time crocheting myself a scarf, made from scratch. Well, almost from scratch.

I did receive the wool already carded and processed, but fortunately my father's cousin has a llama and alpaca farm in Washington and has kindly supplied me with enough llama and alpaca wool to make an army of sweaters. This wool is straight off the animals - it still has the dirt, dust, and leaves. But now I am fully equip to scour, wash, spin, ply, set, and crochet this filthy wool. I am most excited. My next step is a sheep.
my first skein of finished wool

setting the twist (yarn soup)

I am most content.

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